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FDEA Awards

Addison Wesley Longman Scholarship Award

This $500 scholarship is sponsored by Addison Wesley Longman Publishers. The following criteria must be met by each applicant:

  • Attends a Florida college

  • Has successfully completed required reading and writing class(es)


The following documents must be included in the application packet:

  • This scholarship application.

  • Up‐to‐date college transcript.

  • Two letters of recommendation (one from his/her reading instructor)

  • Typed essay (300 ‐500 words) describing how reading a specific book has changed the applicant's life. The essay must list the name of the book and the author and must focus on that one book. The essay should be typed double spaced as a Word document in size 12 font. E‐mail a copy of the essay to

  • Photograph or photo file in jpg format and signed release at the bottom of application page.

Developmental Math Scholarship Award

This $500 scholarship is sponsored by FDEA and will be given to a deserving developmental mathematics student at FDEA's annual conference. The following criteria must be met by the applicant:

  • Attends a Florida college  

  • Has successfully completed at least one developmental math class with an A or B grade

  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5


The following documents must be included in the application packet:

  • This scholarship application.

  • Up‐to‐date college transcript.  

  • One letter of recommendation from one of the applicant's developmental math instructors or math lab learning specialists.    

  • Typed narrative explaining an innovative method for solving a math problem.  Include step by step process and state the objective to be covered.  The narrative should be typed double spaced as a Word document in size 12 font, no longer than one page in length.  Applicants should contact their computer lab or math lab instructor for assistance with any math symbol programs. Additionally, e‐mail a copy of your narrative to

  • Photograph or photo file in jpg format and signed release at the bottom of the application page.

Joseph Howland Scholarships

Two Joseph Howland Scholarships, in the amount of $1,000 each, are available to be presented at the annual FDEA conference. The following criteria must be met by each applicant:

  • Attends a college with an FDEA institutional membership

  • Has successfully completed one developmental math course and one other developmental course either in writing or in reading.

  • Has six semester hours of gateway or general education college level course work (AA/AS).

  • Has achieved an overall 3.0 grade point average for all course work.


The following documents must be included in the application packet:

  • This scholarship application.

  • Up‐to‐date college transcript.

  • Two letters of recommendation (one from an instructor of a developmental education course and one from an instructor of a gateway or general education college level course).

  • Typed essay (500 ‐750 words) describing how the developmental mathematics or developmental writing course has influenced your life. The essay should be typed double spaced as a Word document in size 12 font. Additionally, e‐mail a copy of your essay to

  • Photograph or photo file in jpg format and signed release at the bottom of the application page.

Outstanding Educator Award

Do you know someone who stands out in the field of developmental education? If so, nominate him or her for FDEA’s Outstanding Educator Award. This award is traditionally presented during the association's annual conference. The outstanding educator will be selected based on his or her demonstrated excellence in the areas described below.

The following criteria must be met by the applicant:

  • Must be a person whose work exemplifies the philosophy of developmental education.

  • Must demonstrate excellence in teaching or appropriate professional skills (e.g., counseling, tutoring, and administration) with developmental education students.

  • Must show responsiveness to individual students and commitment to professional growth.

  • Each nominee must be a current member of FDEA.


The following documents must be included in the application packet:

  • This award application.

  • Typed biographical sketch which includes the name of the person you are nominating, and the institution and title/position of nominee. The document should also include your nominee's role in developmental education. Additionally include outstanding achievements in each of the following: (a) teaching/other professional skills; (b) relationships with students; (c) professional developmental activities. The document should be typed double spaced as a Word document in size 12 font. Additionally, e‐mail a copy of your document to

  • Photograph or photo file in jpg format and signed release at the bottom of the application page.

Student Essay Scholarship Award

Sponsored by FDEA, the Student Success Essay Scholarship is awarded to the winning essay in the amount of $500 at the annual FDEA Conference.  The following criteria must be met by the applicant:

  • Attends a Florida Community or State College

  • Has successfully completed at least two developmental level courses.


The following documents must be included in the application packet:

  • This scholarship application.

  • Up‐to‐date college transcript.  

  • One letter of recommendation from one of the applicant's developmental education instructors.    

  • Typed essay (300 ‐ 500 words) on the topic of choice.  The essay should be typed double spaced as a Word document in size 12 font.  Additionally, e‐mail a copy of your essay to

  • Photograph or photo file in jpg format and signed release at the bottom of the application page.

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Previous Recipients


Outstanding Educator Award, 2009

Professor [Karen] Pain has been a remarkable influence on not just my math success here at PBCC, but also many other students past and present. Her outstanding ability to teach the necessary fundamentals of prep algebra is truly remarkable. I believe that hard work and dedication in a difficult, and sometimes frustrating, line of work should be recognized — and Professor Pain definitely deserves that recognition.


Daniel Hill, Student

Palm Beach Community College




Student Essay Award, 2011

I am a 37-year-old male of Puerto Rican descent, born in a poor section of New York. Being poor and part of a minority has helped make me a more compassionate member of society and work harder to change my status about being poor and not let it dictate who I will become. When I was two months old, my mother took me to Puerto Rico to visit her family; while there, I contracted polio. This left me sentenced to a wheel chair for thirteen years and affected the right side of my brain, as well as my right arm and leg. My mother fed me through a tube, which was traumatic for her; however, we had a wonderful and magical relationship.


Harixdaniel Gonzalez

Student, Miami-Dade College

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